bigpika: my friend it could ALL BE OURS
bigpika: the HOT CHIXX0RS
bigpika: um dude that's not a word.
bigpika: shut the fuck up dude.
bigpika: dude stop fucking talking to yourself.
bigpika: what the fuck?
bigpika: FUCK YOU
bigpika: NO FUC YOU
-one of the smartest minds to ever (barely) graduate from Stanford.
Imagine this - you are peacefully drinking from the water fountain in the hallway of your dormitory. All of a sudden, a door bursts open. From it, a disheveled Asian male pounds the floor, making a beeline from his room to the bathroom door. You hear a loud “OH GOD!” as he enters the bathroom. Presumably relieving himself in record time, he soon blitzes back to his room and slams the door shut, all while your mouth hangs agape over the drinking fountain.
This is a true story from my college days. The guy I speak about is none other than my good friend BigPika. Now, I’m sure the question burning in your mind is “what was BigPika doing that made him in such a rush, denying himself even the fundamental human right to pee?” Well, he wasn’t finding the cure for AIDS, I can tell you that much. He was playing a computer game. And not just any computer game. A COMPUTER GAME YOU CAN PAUSE.
Why would BigPika not just pause the game when he needed to pee, instead of desperately dashing to the bathroom during the cutscenes?
Simply put, if he thought that rationally, he wouldn’t be BigPika.
My friends tell me that BigPika is one of the smartest and best programmers out there. I believe it. He has demonstrated his ridiculous knowledge of computers time and time again by busting out random technical facts. BigPika also possesses the most computer equipment of anyone I’ve ever known. Need a gadget? You don’t go to Fry’s, you go to BigPika. Zephy made him throw away five keyboards – he still has another four. His new Radeon 9800 pro physically fried since he was playing video games 24/7. No worries, he replaced it with a slightly less new Radeon 9700 Pro he had lying around. Spamus wanted some thermal paste to help cool down his system – BigPika had it.
I don’t even know what thermal paste is.
BigPika’s prowess goes beyond simple technical support however – his raw smarts are solid. Last quarter, the team of BigPika, G$, and two other dudes won the best project contest in the Human Computer Interaction class. He also simultaneously placed 3rd in the Othello contest of the grad-level artificial intelligence class (one of the hardest classes at Stanford). After this experience, AllSoundSame (who surely was belittling his own contribution) said “if there's anything I've learned from this week, it's that dominating a tournament of uber-nerds involves nothing more than a couple lines of code, a nice dry erase board, and BigPika.”
But as epic as BigPika's smarts are, his errors in judgment are somehow even more legendary.
Several times we would be on the way to dinner when we’d stop by BigPika’s dorm room. We’d say hi, and go through the pleasantries of checking up on everyone.
G$: “How’s the CS140 program going for you, BigPika?”
BigPika: “Wh… what program?”
G$: “… The one that’s due tomorrow.”
BigPika: (blood leaving face, mouth hanging open)
G$: “Tell me you’re joking.”
All: (mutterings that attending class, reading professor’s emails, or glancing at the syllabus may help)
Most of the time BigPika’s foibles are caused by a combination of his addictive personality and love of video games. The game he was playing when he blitzed to the bathroom was Homeworld, a real time strategy game that he beat in apparently a single seating.
In Super Smash Brothers, BigPika once repeated a single move ONE THOUSAND TIMES in his quest to discover the true distribution of outcomes.
If BigPika can get so into allegedly non-addictive games such as Smash Brothers, what happens when he encounters the most addictive game genre of all time, Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games? Well, after he bought World of Warcraft (WoW), he immediately disappeared from the real world, playing apparently 24/7. In just two weeks, BigPika wrote in his blog that the game ruined him. He cancelled his account.
Less than 6 weeks later, he had reactivated his account.
BigPika is still subscribed and plays a lot. A lot. I think, though, what really separates him from other gamers is the way WoW has really affected his real life psyche. BigPika no longer uses “IRL” cuss words to yell at bad drivers; he instead yells “PVE NUB!” BigPika no longer compares trees to Redwoods and Sycamores; he instead sizes them up against the trees in Ashenvale or Silverpine. I am convinced when BigPika’s avatar takes damage, he himself feels physical pain. I’m sure Spamus would concur - he’s been woken up numerous times at 4 AM by screams when Warcraft monsters take BigPika’s character apart.
Though I’ve known BigPika for a while, and have tried my best to explain him, much still remains a mystery. How do you know the location of every powerup in every map in Quake, yet repeatedly turn up the wrong way on the same one way street? How can your Warcraft bank space be meticulously organized while dirty laundry and change litters your floor?
The truth is, to know BigPika is to not expect answers to these questions. And as this young man reaches the sweet age of [Age], I expect him to get less, not more, mature. But that really isn’t a bad thing. Knowing BigPika has, is, and will be an unforgettable experience.
Happy birthday, BigPika.